Resident and Fellow Memberships

We Need Your Strength, You Need A Voice

Enrich your Residency and Fellowship experience - join UMA to be represented and let your voice count! Shape the future of medicine with leadership and advocacy training, professional development, access to grants, and more!

Joining UMA is a crucial decision supporting your commitment to the profession of medicine and the patients you serve. Resident and Fellow members uniquely connect to peers on policies, find strength in a member community and enjoy member benefits, including liability insurance, financial services, career resources, and more. In addition, discount member rates and programs help you save time and money. 

When you join UMA, you hire powerful professional lobbyists to protect and advocate for the viability of your practice. By protecting your practice from legal, legislative, and regulatory intrusions, your UMA membership lets you focus on what’s important - your patients AND PRAC. UMA tracks and responds to over 150 bills yearly in the legislature to protect physician interests and patient safety.

UMA’s mission is advocacy focused, and our top priority is serving our member community. Physician members have an important voice in the future of medicine in Utah.

  • Improving the practice of medicine.
  • Protecting healthcare in Utah through physician representation.
  • Ensuring the physician’s voice is well-represented in state and national legislative and regulatory arenas.
UMA members understand the importance of their annual support and reap additional benefits which come from membership:
  • Current updates on advocacy efforts and developments that impact organized healthcare in Utah.
  • Multiply influence by affecting positions and policies, serving, and voting.
  • Hands-on assistance with legal, regulatory issues and third-party payers.
  • Practice management and brand discounts are plentiful, with annual savings of as much as $15,000.
Memberships are available for MD, DO, and MBBS credentialed Physicians:
  • Full-Time Physicians
  • Part-Time and Retired Physicians
  • Military/Service Physicians
  • New Utah Physicians and First-Year Physicians
  • Young Physicians (First 8 Years of Practicing)
  • Associate Physicians (Relocated out of Utah and active Physicians Wealth Advisors Client)
Here's what UMA did recently for Members:
  • Pushed for and received funding for expanded residency programs
  • Fought inappropriate scope expansion battles from mid-levels (5 bills last year)
  • Pushed for physician dispensing of legend drugs (in place now)
  • Passed a medical malpractice reform bill to hopefully reduce lawsuits
  • Reduced regulations for physicians
  • Advocated for expanded Medicaid eligibility for children
  • Pushed for and received funding for home visit services for newborns

Benefits of Membership
Join the Utah Medical Association (Potential Members, please create an account, then complete the application)
Renew Your Membership  (sign in required)
Update Your Address and other Membership Profile Data 

Ready to get involved?

Join the Residents/Fellows SectionEmail the UMA Membership Coordinator or complete the online form to join
View the Committee and Task Force Descriptions for leadership opportunities
Join a Section, or Volunteer Now for a Committee or Task Force

Members Only Content. Join UMA to view.

Last Reviewed January 17, 2024.